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Who We Are

Board & Staff

Krista Steudel

Krista Steudel

Krista grew up in Germany, the Rockies and the Pacific Northwest, and finally landed in Bozeman in 1995. She has been a teacher with the Bozeman School District since 1996 teaching K-12 in English, Science and German, and has traveled overseas with her students. A family friend introduced Krista to horses when she was five. Immediately drawn to the gentle giants she became hooked, exercising the neighbor’s horses, playing polo at UC Davis, dabbling in 3-day eventing, and now spending hours in the mountains on horseback. As an Animal Science  and German student at University of California Davis, she volunteered with PETE, (Partnership in Equine Therapy and Education) and was convinced she would someday participate in a similar program to help kids develop confidence and leadership skills while working with horses. Her love of children and animals makes working with the Windhorse community, both as a board member and program volunteer, a great fit. You’ll find Krista enjoying free time with her family, friends and “four-leggeds,” riding, hiking, skiing, kayaking and ultimately enjoying Montana’s beautiful outdoors.

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    Professional Photography Provided by Rachel Jackson and The Wild Wherever.

© 2024 Windhorse Equine Learning

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